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This is our platform for customers accessing our free, and our paid for online training modules.
You can see a full list of our online training offers by visiting here.
Already have an account?
If you already have an account you can log in here
Want to sign up?
if you want to use our online training courses - you can create an account below. On completion an email will be sent to you to verify your account prior to access. Please click on the link in that email to gain access to the platform.
By Signing up to our platform you are agreeing to our privacy policies and terms and conditions of the site.
Our Terms and Conditions
Our Privacy policy
Our providers (Learningpool) Privacy policy
Inactive accounts will be deleted.
Please note that accounts that are inactive for over 6 months will be closed and certificates and learning will be deleted, based on GDPR guidance.
Not what you are looking for?
If you are looking for autism information and advice rather than online training please visit our main website here.
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Is this your first time here?
Welcome to the National Autistic Societies Online training platform.
This is our platform for customers accessing our free, and our paid for online training modules.
You can see a full list of our online training offers by visiting here.
Already have an account?
If you already have an account you can log in here
Want to sign up?
if you want to use our online training courses - you can create an account below. On completion an email will be sent to you to verify your account prior to access. Please click on the link in that email to gain access to the platform.
By Signing up to our platform you are agreeing to our privacy policies and terms and conditions of the site.
Our Terms and Conditions
Our Privacy policy
Our providers (Learningpool) Privacy policy
Inactive accounts will be deleted.
Please note that accounts that are inactive for over 6 months will be closed and certificates and learning will be deleted, based on GDPR guidance.
Not what you are looking for?
If you are looking for autism information and advice rather than online training please visit our main website here.